Les varices

Le sport peut-il provoquer des varices ?

(1) NHS, Overview Varicose veins, https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/varicose-veins/, 2017; (2) Anwar M.A. et al., A Review of Familial, Genetic, and Congenital Aspects of Primary Varicose Vein Disease, Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics.;5:460–466, 2012; (3) Laurikka J.O. et al, Risk indicators for varicose veins in forty- to sixty-year-olds in the tampere varicose vein study, World Journal of Surgery volume 26, pages648–651, 2002; (4) Krysa J. et al., Evidence for a genetic role in varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency; Phlebology 27(7), 2012; (5) Chatard H., Positive aspects of the practice of sports from the standpoint of phlebology; Phlebologie, 33(3):479-484, 1980; (6) Netzer F., Gibt es Sportarten, die den Venen schaden?, https://www.jameda.de/gesundheit/frauen-schwangerschaft/sportarten-venenschaden/, 2012; (7) Venenliga, Es gibt Sportarten die Krampfadern lindern können, https://www.venenliga.de/index.php/presse/pressemitteilungen/376-es-gibt-sportarten-die-krampfadern-lindern-koennen, 2020

Quel médecin faut-il consulter pour ses varices ? 

(1) Schwarz J. and Fux C., Krampfadern, https://www.netdoktor.de/krankheiten/krampfadern/, 2018; (2) NHS, Overview Varicose veins, https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/varicose-veins/, 2017; (3) praktischArzt, Hautarzt: Facharzt für Dermatologie – Aufgaben, Ausbildung, Gehalt, https://www.praktischarzt.de/arzt/facharztrichtungen/hautarzt-dermatologie/, 2020; (4) Laurikka J.O. et al, Risk indicators for varicose veins in forty- to sixty-year-olds in the tampere varicose vein study, World Journal of Surgery volume 26, pages648–651, 2002

Les varices et la grossesse 

(1) NHS, Overview Varicose veins, https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/varicose-veins/, 2017; (2) Bamigboye A.A. and Smyth R., Interventions for varicose veins and leg oedema in pregnancy; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; 2007; (3) Laurikka J.O. et al, Risk indicators for varicose veins in forty- to sixty-year-olds in the tampere varicose vein study, World Journal of Surgery volume 26, pages648–651, 2002; (4) Thaler E. et al. Compression stockings prophylaxis of emergent varicose veins in pregnancy: a prospective randomised controlled study; SWISS MED WKLY;131:659–662; 2001; (5) American Pregnancy Association, Treating Varicose Veins Naturally During Pregnancy; https://americanpregnancy.org/naturally/treating-varicose-veins-naturally-during-pregnancy/; 2020; (6) Robert A, and Nabatoff M.D., Varicose Veins of Pregnancy; JAMA.;174(13):1712-1716, 1960; (7) KidsHealth, Why Do Some Pregnant Women Get Varicose Veins?; https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/veins.html; 2020

Comment puis-je traiter ou prévenir les varices moi-même ?

(1) John Hopkins Medicine, Chronic Venous Insufficiency, https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/chronic-venous-insufficiency, 2020; (2) Eberhardt R.T. et al. Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Circulation, 111:2398–2409, 2005; (3) Venenliga, Es gibt Sportarten die Krampfadern lindern können, https://www.venenliga.de/index.php/presse/pressemitteilungen/376-es-gibt-sportarten-die-krampfadern-lindern-koennen, 2020; (4) Cadman B., Home remedies for varicose veins, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321703, 2020

Où les varices peuvent-elles apparaître ?

(1) Whiteley M, What exactly are Varicose Veins?, Whiteley clinic, www.thewhiteleyclinic.co.uk/varicose-veins-treatment/what-are-varicose-veins, 2020; (2) Schwarz J. and Fux C., Krampfadern, https://www.netdoktor.de/krankheiten/krampfadern/, 2018; (3) Callam M.J.; Epidemiology of varicose veins; British Journal of Surgery, Volume 81, Issue 2, 1994; (4) Evans C.J. et al. Prevalence of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency in men and women in the general population: Edinburgh Vein Study; Journal of epidemiology & community health, Vol 53, Issue 3, 1999; (5) NHS, Overview Varicose veins, https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/varicose-veins/, 2017; (6) Müller M. and Feichter M., Ösophagusvarizen, https://www.netdoktor.de/krankheiten/leberzirrhose/oesophagusvarizen/, 2018; (7) Gödel C., Varikozele, https://www.netdoktor.de/krankheiten/varikozele/, 2016

Varicose veins


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