Fibroadenoma are benign tumors which can often be felt as firm and solid nodules within the breast tissue. They commonly develop in young women and can sometimes even be observed in men. Characteristics of fibroadenoma are that they are of smooth shape and can be moved around under the skin. A typical size of a fibroadenoma is between 1-3 cm (0,4 – 1,2 inches). However, larger nodules of more than 5 cm (2 inches) have also been observed.
Are all fibroadenoma the same?
Most fibroadenoma are “simple” fibroadenoma, however, two other forms of fibroadenoma are known: complex and giant/juvenile fibroadenoma.
Whilst simple fibroadenoma tend to remain of a small, of about 1-3 cm (0,4 – 1,2 inches), giant fibroadenoma can reach a much larger size of more than 5 cm (2 inches). Also, simple fibroadenoma are made up of only one form of cells, however, complex fibroadenoma when viewed under a microscope, show some cells with differing features.
Will my fibroadenoma turn into breast cancer?
Research has shown that the existence of simple fibroadenoma is not linked with a higher risk of developing breast cancer. In a study of approx. 2000 women with fibroadenoma, results showed that simple fibroadenoma in women with no family history of breast cancer showed no signs of an increased risk of developing breast cancer.
This being said you might want to decide to treat your fibroadenoma for other reasons. If the nodule is disturbing you, an ablation or surgical intervention can help remove the symptoms.

How can I prevent the development of breast cancer?
Family history plays a significant role in determining ones’ risk of the nodule turning into breast cancer. Therefore, it is important to talk to your physician about any nodules you observe in your breast. If your physician has any concerns, biopsies allow a small tissue sample to be taken which in the laboratory under microscope can be assessed in order to better classify the type of nodule. Also, family history should be discussed. Depending on the individual risk, physicians may either recommend keeping the nodule under regular observation, or, to remove it in order to prevent it from turning into breast cancer.
Echotherapy for fibroadenoma