What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are the bulging leg veins which appear when standing or sitting. These varicose veins are visible because the blood which they are supposed to transport upwards, back to the heart sinks back downwards into the leg where the bulging appears. This phenomenon is called venous reflux.
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Varicose veins causes
Varicose veins are the result of veins no longer properly transporting blood from the legs to the heart due to vein insufficiency. In a fully functioning body, the leg muscles, the elastic structure of the vein walls and so-called vein valves help to transport the blood from the lower into the upper part of the body against gravity.
Are varicose veins age-related? Are women more prone to varicose veins than men?Varicose veins symptoms
Heavy legs often are one of the first symptoms associated with varicose veins. This may or may not be associated to visible dark purple or blue bulging veins. Also, itchy legs can be caused by varicose veins. In addition, venous reflux may cause symptoms like achy, sore legs, pain, cramps, sensations of heat in the legs, swollen limb or skin colour or texture changes.
Can heavy legs be caused by varicose veins? Are varicose veins dangerous?Varicose veins treatments
Echotherapy is the most recent medical advancement in varicose veins treatment. It is unique because it is the only non-invasive option and does not require a sterile environment (like an operating theatre). You get treated from outside the body, and can resume normal activity immediately. No incisions, no scars. Discover our blog article about treatment options.
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