
Maria, 39 years

I first developed varicose veins when I was a teenager. It wasn’t a nice thing to have but hey, I was young and I thought maybe they’ll just go away.

But of course, it didn’t go away. As I got older, they just got worse. The feeling of heaviness increased, and my legs became very tender in some places. I knew I had to do something about my legs when these veins started to have an impact on my love of dancing. The first night I had to leave the dance floor and rest for a while was really, really scary.

When I got my legs scanned to see how bad my veins had become, I learnt about echotherapy. I cannot tell you the relief I felt to learn that there was a non-invasive way of getting rid of those horrible veins.

I know it sounds miraculous that there is this machine SONOVEIN® that cures varicose veins by treating them from outside the body. A machine that gets rid of them without leaving any scars or needing days laid up to recover.

My echotherapy with SONOVEIN was quick, and with hardly any pain. When it was over my legs felt so light, the feeling was truly uplifting! The next day, I was back at work and the following weekend, I went out and I danced the night away.

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